Project: aiocsv

Asynchronous CSV reading/writing

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Asynchronous CSV reading and writing.


Python 3.6+ is required.
pip3 install aiocsv


AsyncReader & AsyncDictReader accept any object that has a read(size: int) coroutine, which should return a string.

AsyncWriter & AsyncDictWriter accept any object that has a write(b: str) coroutine.

Reading is implemented using a custom CSV parser, which should behave exactly like the CPython parser.

Writing is implemented using the synchronous csv.writer and csv.DictWriter objects - the serializers write data to a StringIO, and that buffer is then rewritten to the underlaying asynchronous file.


Example usage with aiofiles.

import asyncio
import csv

import aiofiles
from aiocsv import AsyncReader, AsyncDictReader, AsyncWriter, AsyncDictWriter

async def main():
    # simple reading
    async with"some_file.csv", mode="r", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as afp:
        async for row in AsyncReader(afp):
            print(row)  # row is a list

    # dict reading, tab-separated
    async with"some_other_file.tsv", mode="r", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as afp:
        async for row in AsyncDictReader(afp, delimiter="\t"):
            print(row)  # row is a dict

    # simple writing, "unix"-dialect
    async with"new_file.csv", mode="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as afp:
        writer = AsyncWriter(afp, dialect="unix")
        await writer.writerow(["name", "age"])
        await writer.writerows([
            ["John", 26], ["Sasha", 42], ["Hana", 37]

    # dict writing, all quoted, "NULL" for missing fields
    async with"new_file2.csv", mode="w", encoding="utf-8", newline="") as afp:
        writer = AsyncDictWriter(afp, ["name", "age"], restval="NULL", quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
        await writer.writeheader()
        await writer.writerow({"name": "John", "age": 26})
        await writer.writerows([
            {"name": "Sasha", "age": 42},
            {"name": "Hana"}



AsyncReader(asyncfile: aiocsv.protocols.WithAsyncRead, **csvreaderparams)

An object that iterates over lines in given asynchronous file.
Additional keyword arguments are understood as dialect parameters.

Iterating over this object returns parsed CSV rows (List[str]).


  • __aiter__(self) -> self
  • async __anext__(self) -> List[str]


  • dialect: The csv.Dialect used when parsing

Read-only properties:

  • line_num: Not implemented in aiocsv - issues a warning and always returns -1.


AsyncDictReader(asyncfile: aiocsv.protocols.WithAsyncRead,
                fieldnames: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, restkey: Optional[str] = None, restval: Optional[str] = None, **csvreaderparams)

An object that iterates over lines in given asynchronous file.
All arguments work exactly the same like in csv.DictReader.

Iterating over this object returns parsed CSV rows (Dict[str, str]).


  • __aiter__(self) -> self
  • async __anext__(self) -> Dict[str, str]


  • fieldnames: field names used when converting rows to dictionaries
    ⚠️ Unlike csv.DictReader, if not provided in the constructor, at least one row has to be retrieved before getting the fieldnames.
    reader = csv.DictReader(some_file)
    reader.fieldnames  # ["cells", "from", "the", "header"]
    areader = aiofiles.AsyncDictReader(same_file_but_async)
    areader.fieldnames   # ⚠️ None
    await areader.__anext__()
    areader.fieldnames  # ["cells", "from", "the", "header"]
  • restkey: If a row has more cells then the header, all remaining cells are stored under this key in the returned dictionary. Defaults to None.
  • restval: If a row has less cells then the header, then missing keys will use this value. Defaults to None.
  • reader: Underlaying aiofiles.AsyncReader instance

Read-only properties:

  • dialect: Link to self.reader.dialect - the current csv.Dialect
  • line_num: Not implemented in aiocsv - issues a warning and always returns -1


AsyncWriter(asyncfile: aiocsv.protocols.WithAsyncWrite, **csvwriterparams)

An object that writes csv rows to the given asynchronous file.
In this object "row" is a sequence of values.

Additional keyword arguments are passed to the underlying csv.writer instance.


  • async writerow(self, row: Iterable[Any]) -> None
    Writes one row to the specified file.

  • async writerows(self, rows: Iterable[Iterable[Any]]) -> None
    Writes multiple rows to the specified file.

    All rows are temporarly stored in RAM before actually being written to the file,
    so don't provide a generator of loads of rows.

Readonly properties:

  • dialect: Link to underlying's csv.reader's dialect attribute


AsyncDictWriter(asyncfile: aiocsv.protocols.WithAsyncWrite, fieldnames: Sequence[str], **csvdictwriterparams)

An object that writes csv rows to the given asynchronous file.
In this object "row" is a mapping from fieldnames to values.

Additional keyword arguments are passed to the underlying csv.DictWriter instance.


  • async writeheader(self) -> None
    Writes header row to the specified file.

  • async writerow(self, row: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None
    Writes one row to the specified file.

  • async writerows(self, rows: Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]) -> None
    Writes multiple rows to the specified file.

    All rows are temporarly stored in RAM before actually being written to the file, so don't provide a generator of loads of rows.

Readonly properties:

  • dialect: Link to underlying's csv.reader's dialect attribute


A typing.Protocol describing an asynchronous file, which can be read.


A typing.Protocol describing an asynchronous file, which can be written to.