Project: awscli-plugin-s3-proxy

S3 proxy plugin for AWS CLI

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This awscli plugin allows usage of proxy for S3 service stored in profile configuration.


The easiest way to install awscli-plugin-s3-proxy is to use pip:

$ pip install awscli-plugin-s3-proxy

You can also install the latest package from GitHub source which can contain changes not yet pushed to PyPI:

$ pip install git+

or, if you install awscli via Homebrew, which bundles its own python, install as following:

$ /usr/local/opt/awscli/libexec/bin/pip install awscli-plugin-s3-proxy

Getting Started

Before using awscli-plugin-s3-proxy plugin, you need to configure awscli first.

MUST: Once that's done, to enable awscli-plugin-s3-proxy plugin, you can run:

$ aws configure set plugins.s3-proxy awscli_plugin_s3_proxy

The above command adds below section to your aws config file. You can also directly edit your ~/.aws/config with below configuration.

s3-proxy = awscli_plugin_s3_proxy

To add proxy configure to a profile (assuming you have a test profile), you can run:

$ aws configure --profile test set s3.proxy

The above command adds below section to your profile:

[profile test]
s3 =
    proxy =

Now you can access S3 using proxy with profile:

$ aws s3 ls --profile test

If You want to use profile without passing it every time as parameter, use environment variable, ex:

export AWS_PROFILE=test

Alternative (classic) method

You can follow the guide by AWS which describes how to use proxy using system environment variables. Here is the example:

export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
export HTTP_PROXY=

Remember that after setting these variables, ALL awscli requests will be going through proxy!

Additionally, if You are using awscli on EC2 host, add NO_PROXY variable to allow awscli communicate with metadata endpoint: