Project: az-cli

An interface to execute Azure CLI commands using Python

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Python azure.cli.core interface to execute az Azure CLI commands in python.

The method returns a named tuple AzResult = namedtuple('AzResult', ['exit_code', 'result_dict', 'log']). The error_code where 0 == success. A result_dict containing successfull return as a python dictionary. On failure (error_code > 0) a log message inside log as a string.


Install the package

pip install az.cli

Login using az login or sign in using a service principal.

Under the hood the package uses the ~/.azure folder to persist and retrieve config.


from az.cli import az

# AzResult = namedtuple('AzResult', ['exit_code', 'result_dict', 'log'])
exit_code, result_dict, logs = az("group show -n test")

# On 0 (SUCCESS) print result_dict, otherwise get info from `logs`
if exit_code == 0:
    print (result_dict)


You can run the command interactively to traverse the dictionary. Navigate to src and run python3. Import the library from az.cli import az and run any command by executing the method az("<my command>") to invoke Azure CLI.

# cd src
# python3
from az.cli import az
# on Success, the `error_code` is 0 and the result_dict contains the output
az("group list") # list return tuple (exit_code, result_dict, log)
az("group list")[0] # 0
az("group list")[1] # print result_dict
az("group list")[1][0]['id'] # enumerate the id of the first element in dictionary

# On Error, the `error_code` will be != 1 and the log is present
az("group show -n does-not-exsist") # list return tuple (exit_code, result_dict, log)
az("group show -n does-not-exsist")[0] # 3
az("group show -n does-not-exsist")[2] # print the log


Local Development

  • install python3
  • install REQUIREMENTS.txt using make init

I recommend to use Python3 virtual environments.

# sets up environment
make env
# installs requirements
make init


To build the image run the following in order.

# Runs docker build & create
make create


After the container is build & created you can run the az.cli interactivly.

# Run docker run
make run