Project: azure-mgmt-consumption

Microsoft Azure Consumption Client Library for Python

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Microsoft Azure SDK for Python

This is the Microsoft Azure Consumption Client Library. This package has been tested with Python 3.6+. For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the azure sdk python release.


Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to


To learn how to use this package, see the quickstart guide

For docs and references, see Python SDK References Code samples for this package can be found at Consumption on Additional code samples for different Azure services are available at Samples Repo

Provide Feedback

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the Issues section of the project.


Release History

10.0.0 (2022-06-20)


  • Added operation LotsOperations.list_by_customer

Breaking changes

  • Model BudgetFilter no longer has parameter not_property
  • Operation ReservationRecommendationDetailsOperations.get has a new parameter resource_scope
  • Operation ReservationRecommendationsOperations.list has a new parameter resource_scope
  • Operation ReservationRecommendationsOperations.list no longer has parameter scope
  • Operation ReservationsDetailsOperations.list has a new parameter resource_scope
  • Operation ReservationsDetailsOperations.list no longer has parameter scope
  • Operation ReservationsSummariesOperations.list has a new parameter resource_scope
  • Operation ReservationsSummariesOperations.list no longer has parameter scope

9.0.0 (2022-01-06)


  • Added operation EventsOperations.list_by_billing_account
  • Added operation EventsOperations.list_by_billing_profile
  • Added operation LotsOperations.list_by_billing_account
  • Added operation LotsOperations.list_by_billing_profile
  • Model Balance has a new parameter etag
  • Model Budget has a new parameter forecast_spend
  • Model ChargeSummary has a new parameter e_tag
  • Model CreditBalanceSummary has a new parameter estimated_balance_in_billing_currency
  • Model CreditSummary has a new parameter billing_currency
  • Model CreditSummary has a new parameter credit_currency
  • Model CreditSummary has a new parameter e_tag
  • Model CreditSummary has a new parameter etag
  • Model CreditSummary has a new parameter reseller
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter adjustments_in_billing_currency
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter billing_currency
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter billing_profile_display_name
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter billing_profile_id
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter canceled_credit
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter charges_in_billing_currency
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter closed_balance_in_billing_currency
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter credit_currency
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter credit_expired_in_billing_currency
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter e_tag
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter e_tag_properties_e_tag
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter lot_id
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter lot_source
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter new_credit_in_billing_currency
  • Model EventSummary has a new parameter reseller
  • Model LegacyChargeSummary has a new parameter e_tag
  • Model LegacyReservationRecommendation has a new parameter etag
  • Model LegacyReservationRecommendation has a new parameter resource_type
  • Model LegacyReservationTransaction has a new parameter billing_month
  • Model LegacyReservationTransaction has a new parameter monetary_commitment
  • Model LegacyReservationTransaction has a new parameter overage
  • Model LegacyUsageDetail has a new parameter benefit_id
  • Model LegacyUsageDetail has a new parameter benefit_name
  • Model LegacyUsageDetail has a new parameter etag
  • Model LegacyUsageDetail has a new parameter pay_g_price
  • Model LegacyUsageDetail has a new parameter pricing_model
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter billing_currency
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter closed_balance_in_billing_currency
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter credit_currency
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter e_tag
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter e_tag_properties_e_tag
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter original_amount_in_billing_currency
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter purchased_date
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter reseller
  • Model LotSummary has a new parameter status
  • Model ManagementGroupAggregatedCostResult has a new parameter etag
  • Model Marketplace has a new parameter additional_info
  • Model Marketplace has a new parameter etag
  • Model ModernChargeSummary has a new parameter e_tag
  • Model ModernReservationRecommendation has a new parameter etag
  • Model ModernReservationRecommendation has a new parameter location_properties_location
  • Model ModernReservationRecommendation has a new parameter sku_name
  • Model ModernUsageDetail has a new parameter benefit_id
  • Model ModernUsageDetail has a new parameter benefit_name
  • Model ModernUsageDetail has a new parameter cost_allocation_rule_name
  • Model ModernUsageDetail has a new parameter effective_price
  • Model ModernUsageDetail has a new parameter etag
  • Model ModernUsageDetail has a new parameter pay_g_price
  • Model ModernUsageDetail has a new parameter pricing_model
  • Model ModernUsageDetail has a new parameter provider
  • Model Notification has a new parameter locale
  • Model Operation has a new parameter id
  • Model OperationDisplay has a new parameter description
  • Model PriceSheetResult has a new parameter download
  • Model PriceSheetResult has a new parameter etag
  • Model ReservationDetail has a new parameter etag
  • Model ReservationRecommendation has a new parameter etag
  • Model ReservationRecommendationDetailsModel has a new parameter etag
  • Model ReservationRecommendationsListResult has a new parameter previous_link
  • Model ReservationSummary has a new parameter etag
  • Model ReservationTransaction has a new parameter billing_month
  • Model ReservationTransaction has a new parameter monetary_commitment
  • Model ReservationTransaction has a new parameter overage
  • Model Resource has a new parameter etag
  • Model Tag has a new parameter value
  • Model TagsResult has a new parameter next_link
  • Model TagsResult has a new parameter previous_link
  • Model UsageDetail has a new parameter etag

Breaking changes

  • Model ChargeSummary no longer has parameter tags
  • Model EventSummary no longer has parameter tags
  • Model LegacyChargeSummary no longer has parameter tags
  • Model LotSummary no longer has parameter tags
  • Model ModernChargeSummary no longer has parameter tags
  • Operation ReservationRecommendationDetailsOperations.get has a new signature
  • Parameter scope of model LegacyReservationRecommendation is now required
  • Parameter scope of model LegacyReservationRecommendation is now required
  • Removed operation EventsOperations.list
  • Removed operation LotsOperations.list
  • Removed operation group ForecastsOperations

8.0.0 (2020-12-22)


  • Model ReservationRecommendationDetailsCalculatedSavingsProperties has a new parameter reserved_unit_count
  • Model ReservationRecommendationDetailsModel has a new parameter location
  • Model ReservationRecommendationDetailsModel has a new parameter sku

8.0.0b1 (2020-10-31)

This is beta preview version. For detailed changelog please refer to equivalent stable version 3.0.0(

This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).

General breaking changes

  • Credential system has been completly revamped:

    • azure.common.credentials or msrestazure.azure_active_directory instances are no longer supported, use the azure-identity classes instead:
    • credentials parameter has been renamed credential
  • The config attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True). For a complete set of supported options, see the parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core

  • You can't import a version module anymore, use __version__ instead

  • Operations that used to return a msrest.polling.LROPoller now returns a azure.core.polling.LROPoller and are prefixed with begin_.

  • Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError (CloudError has been removed).

  • Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:

General new features

  • Type annotations support using typing. SDKs are mypy ready.
  • This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the aio namespace of your package to find the async client.
  • This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this tracing quickstart for an overview.

3.0.0 (2018-05-16)


  • Model MeterDetails has a new parameter service_name
  • Model MeterDetails has a new parameter service_tier
  • Model Filters has a new parameter tags
  • Model Marketplace has a new parameter is_recurring_charge
  • Model PriceSheetProperties has a new parameter offer_id
  • Added operation
  • Added operation group ForecastsOperations
  • Added operation group ChargesOperations
  • Added operation group TagsOperations
  • Added operation group BalancesOperations
  • Added operation group ReservationRecommendationsOperations
  • Added operation group AggregatedCostOperations

Breaking changes

  • Model UsageDetail has a new signature
  • Removed operation BudgetsOperations.create_or_update_by_resource_group_name
  • Removed operation BudgetsOperations.get_by_resource_group_name
  • Removed operation BudgetsOperations.list_by_resource_group_name
  • Removed operation BudgetsOperations.delete_by_resource_group_name
  • Removed operation UsageDetailsOperations.list_by_billing_period
  • Removed operation MarketplacesOperations.list_by_billing_period

General Breaking changes

This version uses a next-generation code generator that might introduce breaking changes.

  • Model signatures now use only keyword-argument syntax. All positional arguments must be re-written as keyword-arguments. To keep auto-completion in most cases, models are now generated for Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 uses the "*" syntax for keyword-only arguments.
  • Enum types now use the "str" mixin (class AzureEnum(str, Enum)) to improve the behavior when unrecognized enum values are encountered. While this is not a breaking change, the distinctions are important, and are documented here: At a glance:
    • "is" should not be used at all.
    • "format" will return the string value, where "%s" string formatting will return NameOfEnum.stringvalue. Format syntax should be prefered.
  • New Long Running Operation:
    • Return type changes from msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller to msrest.polling.LROPoller. External API is the same.
    • Return type is now always a msrest.polling.LROPoller, regardless of the optional parameters used.
    • The behavior has changed when using raw=True. Instead of returning the initial call result as ClientRawResponse, without polling, now this returns an LROPoller. After polling, the final resource will be returned as a ClientRawResponse.
    • New polling parameter. The default behavior is Polling=True which will poll using ARM algorithm. When Polling=False, the response of the initial call will be returned without polling.
    • polling parameter accepts instances of subclasses of msrest.polling.PollingMethod.
    • add_done_callback will no longer raise if called after polling is finished, but will instead execute the callback right away.

2.0.0 (2018-02-06)


  • Marketplace data with and without billing period
  • Price sheets data with and without billing period
  • Budget CRUD operations support

Breaking changes

  • Removing scope from usage_details, reservation summaries and details operations.

1.1.0 (2017-12-12)


  • Reservation summaries based on Reservation Order Id and/or ReservationId
  • Reservation details based on Reservation Order Id and/or ReservationId

1.0.0 (2017-11-15)


  • Featuring stable api GA version 2017-11-30
  • Supporting EA customers with azure consumption usage details

Breaking changes

  • Removing support for calling usage_details.list() with 'invoice_id'. Will feature in future releases.

0.1.0 (2017-05-18)

  • Initial Release