Project: bps-restpy

BreakingPoint REST API Python Wraper

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The BreakingPoint RESTv2 API Python Wrapper

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BreakingPoint detail

Network testing with BreakingPoint®. By simulating real-world legitimate traffic, distributed denial of service (DDoS), exploits, malware, and fuzzing, BreakingPoint validates an organization’s security infrastructure, reduces the risk of network degradation by almost 80%, and increases attack readiness by nearly 70%. And with our new TrafficREWIND solution, you'll get even more realistic and high-fidelity validation by adding production network insight into BreakingPoint test traffic configuration More details:

Install the package

pip install --upgrade bps-restpy

Start scripting

"""This script demonstrates how to get started with bps_restpy scripting.

# Title:  Python Script Sample To Run a Canned Test.
# Actions:
#   1. Login to BPS box
#   2. Reserve ports
#   3. Load a test from the box and start the run
#   4. Wait for the test to finish
#   5. Get test result
#   6. Get and print the Synopsis page from report
#   7. Unreserve ports
#   8. Logout


import time, sys, os
# Import corresponding BPS RESTv2 python2.7/ 3 library from outside the folder with samples.
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))

from bps_restpy.bps import BPS, pp


# Demo script global variables
# Demo script global variables
canned_test_name = 'AppSim'
#bps system info
bps_system  = '<BPS_BOX_IP/HOSTNAME>'
bpsuser     = 'bps user'
bpspass     = 'bps pass'

slot_number = 2
port_list   = [0, 1]


# Login to BPS box
bps = BPS(bps_system, bpsuser, bpspass)

print("Load a canned test: ")

print("Reserve Ports")
for p in port_list:
    bps.topology.reserve([{'slot': slot_number, 'port': p, 'group': 2}])

print("Run test and Get Stats:")
test_id_json =, group=2)
testid = str( test_id_json["runid"] )
run_id = 'TEST-' + testid
print("Test Run Id: %s"%run_id)

#get the ids for all tests running on the chassis
runningTests_Ids = [test['id'] for  test in bps.topology.runningTest.get()] 
#wait while the test is still running
while run_id in runningTests_Ids:
     run_state =  bps.topology.runningTest[run_id].get()
     #print progress if test started
     try: print ('progress: %s%% , runtime %ss' % (run_state['progress'], run_state['runtime'] ))
     except: print ("Starting...")
     #update the current running tests
     runningTests_Ids = [test['id'] for  test in bps.topology.runningTest.get()] 

print("~The test finished the execution.")
results =, limit=10, sort="endTime", sortorder="descending")
result  = results[0]
print ("%s execution duration %s ended with status: %s " % (result['name'], result['duration'], result['result']) )

#getting 3.4 Section: Synopsys Summary of Results from the Report
tabledata = bps.reports.getReportTable(runid=testid, sectionId="3.4")

print ("Unreserving the ports")
for p in port_list:
    bps.topology.unreserve([{'slot': slot_number, 'port': p, 'group': 2}])




Documentation is available using the following methods:

  • Online web based documentation and samples
  • On your BreakingPoint System RestApi found near the BreakingPoint App
  • Documentation available in the online doc browser is also inlined in each class, property and method and can be viewed using the python help command
    from bps_restpy.bps import BPS, pp
    #login to your Breaking Point System
    bps = BPS('your_bps_IP_or_FQDN', 'admin', 'admin')

Additional Samples

Visit the OpenIxia breakingpoint-restpy sample site maintained by solution architects for in depth end-to-end samples that demonstrate the following:

  • building a configuration
    • from scratch
    • from an existing BreakingPoint configuration
  • running the configuration
    • connecting ports to hardware
    • starting protocols
    • starting traffic
  • getting statistics
    • port stats
    • traffic stats