Project: comtypes

Pure Python COM package

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comtypes is a lightweight Python COM package, based on the ctypes FFI library.

comtypes allows to define, call, and implement custom and dispatch-based COM interfaces in pure Python.

This package works on Windows only.

Available on Python 2.7 and 3.3-3.11.

Where to get it

The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at:

An installer for the latest released version is available at the Python Package Index (PyPI).

# PyPI
pip install comtypes


comtypes requires no third-party packages to run - this is truly pure Python package.

Optional features include the follows...

  • to process arrays as numpy's ndarray
  • type hints be interpreted by mypy or several static type checkers

But these third-parties are not required as a prerequisite for runtime.

Community of the developers

Tracking issues, reporting bugs and contributing to the codebase and documentation are on GitHub at:

Ongoing plans

For the time being, the development target branch of this package will be the drop_py2 branch and the master branch will be in maintenance-only-mode.

As the name suggests, drop_py2 is a mid-term-planning branch to drop supporting Python 2.x from this package, and start supporting Python 3.x only.

The drop_py2 branch will be merged into the master branch in the future, and the master branch will back to the development target branch and be renamed to main.
Until then, no changes will be made to the master branch except in the case of corresponding to regressions.

Please see the GitHub issue for policy and progress.


The documentation is currently hosted on pythonhosted at: