Project: doit

doit - Automation Tool

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doit comes from the idea of bringing the power of build-tools to execute any kind of task

doit can be uses as a simple Task Runner allowing you to easily define ad hoc tasks, helping you to organize all your project related tasks in an unified easy-to-use & discoverable way.

doit scales-up with an efficient execution model like a build-tool. doit creates a DAG (direct acyclic graph) and is able to cache task results. It ensures that only required tasks will be executed and in the correct order (aka incremental-builds).

The up-to-date check to cache task results is not restricted to looking for file modification on dependencies. Nor it requires "target" files. So it is also suitable to handle workflows not handled by traditional build-tools.

Tasks' dependencies and creation can be done dynamically during it is execution making it suitable to drive complex workflows and pipelines.

doit is build with a plugin architecture allowing extensible commands, custom output, storage backend and "task loader". It also provides an API allowing users to create new applications/tools leveraging doit functionality like a framework.

doit is a mature project being actively developed for more than 10 years. It includes several extras like: parallel execution, auto execution (watch for file changes), shell tab-completion, DAG visualisation, IPython integration, and more.

Sample Code

Define functions returning python dict with task's meta-data.

Snippet from tutorial <>_:

.. code:: python

def task_imports(): """find imports from a python module""" for name, module in PKG_MODULES.by_name.items(): yield { 'name': name, 'file_dep': [module.path], 'actions': [(get_imports, (PKG_MODULES, module.path))], }

def task_dot(): """generate a graphviz's dot graph from module imports""" return { 'targets': [''], 'actions': [module_to_dot], 'getargs': {'imports': ('imports', 'modules')}, 'clean': True, }

def task_draw(): """generate image from a dot file""" return { 'file_dep': [''], 'targets': ['requests.png'], 'actions': ['dot -Tpng %(dependencies)s -o %(targets)s'], 'clean': True, }

Run from terminal::

$ doit list dot generate a graphviz's dot graph from module imports draw generate image from a dot file imports find imports from a python module $ doit . imports:requests.models . imports:requests.init . (...) . dot . draw

Project Details

  • Website & docs - <>_
  • Project management on github - <>_
  • Discussion group -!forum/python-doit <!forum/python-doit>_
  • News/twitter - <>_
  • Plugins, extensions and projects based on doit - <>_


The MIT License Copyright (c) 2008-2022 Eduardo Naufel Schettino