Project: html2jirawiki

A sample Python project to convert HTML to JIRA Wiki

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pip install html2jirawiki


Convert some HTML to Markdown:

    from html2jirawiki import html_to_jira_wiki
    html_to_jira_wiki('<b>Yay</b> <a href="">GitHub</a>')  # > '**Yay** [GitHub]('

Specify tags to exclude (blacklist):

    from html2jirawiki import html_to_jira_wiki
    html_to_jira_wiki('<b>Yay</b> <a href="">GitHub</a>', strip=['a'])  # > '*Yay* GitHub'

or specify the tags you want to include (whitelist):

    from html2jirawiki import html_to_jira_wiki
    html_to_jira_wiki('<b>Yay</b> <a href="">GitHub</a>', convert=['b'])  # > '*Yay* GitHub'


html2jirawiki supports the following options:

strip A list of tags to strip (blacklist). This option can't be used with the convert option.

convert A list of tags to convert (whitelist). This option can't be used with the strip option.

autolinks A boolean indicating whether the "automatic link" style should be used when a a tag's contents match its href. Defaults to True

heading_style Defines how headings should be converted. Accepted values are ATX, ATX_CLOSED, SETEXT, and UNDERLINED (which is an alias for SETEXT). Defaults to UNDERLINED.

bullets An iterable (string, list, or tuple) of bullet styles to be used. If the iterable only contains one item, it will be used regardless of how deeply lists are nested. Otherwise, the bullet will alternate based on nesting level. Defaults to '*+-'.

Options may be specified as kwargs to the html2jirawiki function, or as a nested Options class in MarkdownConverter subclasses.