Project: ipyevents

A custom widget for returning mouse and keyboard events to Python

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Browsers events for your jupyter widgets

ipyevents provides a custom widget for returning mouse and keyboard events to Python. Use it to:

  • add keyboard shortcuts to an existing widget;
  • react to the user clicking on an image;
  • add callbacks on arbitrary mouse and keyboard events.

See this demo notebook for documentation.

Special thanks to the contributors to ipyevents!

Try it on binder:

Dev version: Binder


Documentation Status


To install using conda:

$ conda install -c conda-forge ipyevents

To install use pip:

$ pip install ipyevents

Using with JupyterLab (whether you installed with conda or pip):

  • The stable releases of ipyevents (2.0.0 and higher) are only built for JupyterLab 3 and up.
  • The last release that is built for JupyterLab 2 is 0.9.0. See the README for that version for installation instructions.
$ jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager ipyevents

For a development installation (requires npm),

$ git clone
$ cd ipyevents
$ pip install -e .
$ jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --sys-prefix ipyevents
$ jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipyevents

For Jupyter Lab also do this:

$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ jupyter labextension install