Project: kedro-datasets

Kedro-Datasets is where you can find all of Kedro's data connectors.

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Welcome to kedro_datasets, the home of Kedro's data connectors. Here you will find AbstractDataset implementations powering Kedro's DataCatalog created by QuantumBlack and external contributors.


kedro-datasets is a Python plugin. To install it:

pip install kedro-datasets

What AbstractDataset implementations are supported?

We support a range of data connectors, including CSV, Excel, Parquet, Feather, HDF5, JSON, Pickle, SQL Tables, SQL Queries, Spark DataFrames and more. We even allow support for working with images.

These data connectors are supported with the APIs of pandas, spark, networkx, matplotlib, yaml and more.

The Data Catalog allows you to work with a range of file formats on local file systems, network file systems, cloud object stores, and Hadoop.

Here is a full list of supported data connectors and APIs.

How can I create my own AbstractDataset implementation?

Take a look at our instructions on how to create your own AbstractDataset implementation.

Can I contribute?

Yes! Want to help build Kedro-Datasets? Check out our guide to contributing.

What licence do you use?

Kedro-Datasets is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

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