Project: mdformat-frontmatter

An mdformat plugin for parsing / ignoring frontmatter.

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An mdformat plugin for ensuring that yaml front-matter is respected. Many tools (such as jekyll) use yaml front matter for automation purposes. mdformat-frontmatter only supports yaml. For example:

test: yaml
# This looks okay
For some markdown code.

Frontmatter can only be at the first line or two of the code.

# This is not
test: yaml

Note: that at this stage this plugin is not that sophisticated. The principle objective is to allow properly formed yaml header blocks to pass through. Incorrectly formed blocks may result in strange behaviour.


This package was built from the template provided by executable books and customized (specifically to separate content PR's from the release cycle). This package driver flit as the build engine, and tox for test automation.

To install these development dependencies:

pip install tox

To run the tests:


and with test coverage:

tox -e py37-cov

The easiest way to write tests, is to edit tests/

To run the code formatting and style checks:

tox -e py37-pre-commit

or directly

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit run --all

To run the pre-commit hook test:

tox -e py37-hook

Publish to PyPi

Either use flit directly:

pip install flit
flit publish

or trigger the GitHub Action job, by creating a release with a tag equal to the version, e.g. v0.0.1.

Note, this requires generating an API key on PyPi and adding it to the repository Settings/Secrets, under the name PYPI_KEY.