Project: openlineage-python

OpenLineage Python Client

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To install from source, run:

$ python -m pip install .


Config file

The most common way to configure the OpenLineage Client is by .yaml file, which contains all the details of how to connect to your OpenLineage backend.

The config file is located by:

  1. looking at the OPENLINEAGE_CONFIG environment variable
  2. looking for the openlineage.yml file in the current working directory
  3. looking for the openlineage.yml file in the $HOME/.openlineage directory.

Different ways of connecting to OpenLineage backend are supported by the standardized Transport interface. This is an example config for specifying http transport:

  type: "http"
  url: "https://backend:5000"
    type: "api_key"
    api_key: "f048521b-dfe8-47cd-9c65-0cb07d57591e"

The type property is required. It can be one of the built-in transports or a custom one. There are four built-in transports, http, kafka, console and file. Custom transports type is a fully qualified class name that can be imported.

The rest of the properties are defined by the particular transport. Specifications for the built-in options are below.


  • url - required string parameter.
  • endpoint - optional string parameter specifying the endpoint to which events are sent. By default api/v1/lineage.
  • timeout - optional float parameter specifying the timeout when sending events. By default 5 seconds.
  • verify optional boolean attribute specifying if the client should verify TLS certificates of the backend. By default true.
  • auth - optional dictionary specifying authentication options. The type property is required.
    • type: required property if an auth dictionary is set. Set to api_key or to the fully qualified class name of your TokenProvider.
    • api_key: if api_key type is set, it sets value at Authentication HTTP header as Bearer.


For KafkaTransport, confluent-kafka needs to be installed. You can also install pip install openlineage-python[kafka]

  • config - required string parameter. A dictionary that contains a Kafka producer config as in Kafka producer config.
  • topic - required string parameter. The topic on what events will be sent.
  • flush - optional boolean parameter. If set to True, Kafka will flush after each event. By default true.


  • log_file_path - required string parameter specifying the path of the file (if append is true a file path is expected, otherwise a file prefix is expected).
  • append - optional boolean parameter. If set to True, each event will be appended to a single file (log_file_path), otherwise, all event would be written separately in distinct files suffixed by a timestring. By default false.

Custom transport

To implement a custom transport, follow the instructions in the openlineage/client/transport/ file.

Config as env vars

If there is no config file found, the OpenLineage client looks at environment variables. This way of configuring the client supports only http transport, and only a subset of its config.

  • OPENLINEAGE_URL - point to the service that will consume OpenLineage events.
  • OPENLINEAGE_ENDPOINT - specify the endpoint to send the OpenLineage events.
  • OPENLINEAGE_API_KEY - set if the consumer of OpenLineage events requires a Bearer authentication key.

OPENLINEAGE_URL, OPENLINEAGE_ENDPOINT, and OPENLINEAGE_API_KEY can also be set up manually when creating a client instance.

Logging level

In addition to conventional logging approaches, the OpenLineage client library provides an alternative way of configuring its logging behavior. By setting the OPENLINEAGE_CLIENT_LOGGING environment variable, you can establish the logging level for the openlineage.client and its child modules.