Project: pytest-cover

Pytest plugin for measuring coverage. Forked from `pytest-cov`.

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============ pytest-cover

pytest-cover has been merged back into pytest-cov 2.0 <>_.


2.0.2 (2015-07-08)

  • Fixed a race condition when running with xdist (all the workers tried to combine the files).

2.0.1 (2015-07-06)

  • Avoid warning about missing coverage data (just like coverage.control.process_startup).
  • Don't setup the multiprocessing finalizer if there's no coverage active.

2.0.0 (2015-06-29)

  • Renamed --cov-min to --cov-fail-under to be consistent with the new fail_under option in coverage-4.0.
  • Changed --cov-report=term to automatically upgrade to --cov-report=term-missing if there's [run] show_missing = True in .coveragerc.
  • Changed --cov-fail-under to be automatically activated if there's a [report] fail_under = ... in .coveragerc.

1.0.0 (2015-06-05)

  • Fixed .pth installation to work in all cases (install, easy_install, wheels, develop etc).
  • Fixed .pth uninstallation to work for wheel installs.
  • Reverted the unreleased --cov=path deprecation.
  • Removed the unreleased addition of --cov-source=path.

  • Forked from the 2.0 branch of - fixes include:

    • No need to specify the source anymore via --cov. The source settings from .coveragerc will be used instead.
    • Support for --cov-min.