Project: pytest-metadata

pytest plugin for test session metadata

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pytest-metadata is a plugin for pytest <>_ that provides access to test session metadata.

.. image:: :target: :alt: License .. image:: :target: :alt: PyPI .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: :alt: Travis .. image:: :target: :alt: Issues .. image:: :target: :alt: Requirements


You will need the following in order to use pytest-metadata:

  • Python 3.7+ or PyPy3


To install pytest-metadata:

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install pytest-metadata


We welcome contributions.

To learn more, see Development <>_

Available metadata

The following metadata is gathered by this plugin:

======== =============== =================================== Key Description Example ======== =============== =================================== Python Python version 3.6.4 Platform Platform Darwin-17.4.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Packages pytest packages {'py': '1.5.2', 'pytest': '3.4.1'} Plugins pytest plugins {'metadata': '1.6.0'} ======== =============== ===================================

Additional metadata

You can provide your own metadata (key, value pair) by specifying --metadata on the commandline::

pytest --metadata foo bar

Note: You can provide multiple sets of --metadata::

pytest --metadata foo bar --metadata baz zoo

There's also the possibility of passing in metadata as a JSON string::

pytest --metadata-from-json '{"cat_says": "bring the cat nip", "human_says": "yes kitty"}'

Alternatively a JSON can be read from a given file::

pytest --metadata-from-json-file path/to/valid/file.json

Continuous integration

When run in a continuous integration environment, additional metadata is added from environment variables. Below is a list of the supported continuous integration providers, along with links to the environment variables that are added to metadata if they're present.

  • AppVeyor <>_
  • Bitbucket <>_
  • CircleCI <>_
  • GitLab CI <>_
  • Jenkins <>_
  • TaskCluster <>_
  • Travis CI <>_

Note that if you're using Tox <>_ to run your tests then you will need to pass down any additional environment variables <>_ for these to be picked up.

Viewing metadata

If you pass --verbose on the command line when running your tests, then the metadata will be displayed in the terminal report header::

pytest --verbose ============================ test session starts ============================ platform darwin -- Python 3.6.4, pytest-3.4.1, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.6.0 -- /usr/bin/python cachedir: .pytest_cache metadata: {'Python': '3.6.4', 'Platform': 'Darwin-17.4.0-x86_64-i386-64bit', 'Packages': {'pytest': '3.4.1', 'py': '1.5.2', 'pluggy': '0.6.0'}, 'Plugins': {'metadata': '1.6.0'}} plugins: metadata-1.6.0

Including metadata in Junit XML

Pytest-metadata provides the session scoped fixture :code:include_metadata_in_junit_xml that you may use to include any metadata in Junit XML as property tags. For example the following test module

.. code-block:: python

import pytest

pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('include_metadata_in_junit_xml')

def test(): pass

when called with

.. code-block:: bash

pytest --metadata Daffy Duck --junit-xml=results.xml

would produce the following XML

.. code-block:: xml


Accessing metadata

To add/modify/delete metadata at the end of metadata collection, you can use the pytest_metadata hook:

.. code-block:: python

import pytest @pytest.hookimpl(optionalhook=True) def pytest_metadata(metadata): metadata.pop("password", None)

To access the metadata from a test or fixture, you can use the metadata fixture:

.. code-block:: python

def test_metadata(metadata): assert 'metadata' in metadata['Plugins']

To access the metadata from a plugin, you can use the stash attribute of the config object. This can be used to read/add/modify the metadata:

.. code-block:: python

def pytest_configure(config): metadata = config.pluginmanager.getplugin("metadata") if metadata: from pytest_metadata.plugin import metadata_key config.stash[metadata_key]['foo'] = 'bar'

Plugin integrations

Here's a handy list of plugins that either read or contribute to the metadata:

  • pytest-base-url <>_ - Adds the base URL to the metadata.
  • pytest-html <>_ - Displays the metadata at the start of each report.
  • pytest-reporter-html1 <>_ - Presents metadata as part of the report.
  • pytest-selenium <>_ - Adds the driver, capabilities, and remote server to the metadata.


  • Release Notes <>_
  • Issue Tracker <>_
  • Code <>_