Project: pyunormalize

Unicode normalization forms (NFC, NFKC, NFD, NFKD). A library independent from the Python core Unicode database.

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A pure Python implementation of the Unicode normalization algorithm independent from the Python core Unicode database. This package supports version 15.1 of the Unicode standard (released in September 2023). It has been thoroughly tested against the Unicode test file.

For the formal specification of the Unicode normalization algorithm, see Section 3.11, Normalization Forms, in the Unicode core specification.


The easiest method to install is using pip:

pip install pyunormalize

UCD version

To get the version of the Unicode character database currently used:

>>> from pyunormalize import UCD_VERSION

Example usage

>>> from pyunormalize import NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD
>>> s = "élève"  # "\u00E9\u006C\u00E8\u0076\u0065"
>>> nfc = NFC(s)
>>> nfd = NFD(s)
>>> nfc == s
>>> nfd == nfc
>>> " ".join([f"{ord(x):04X}" for x in nfc])
'00E9 006C 00E8 0076 0065'
>>> " ".join([f"{ord(x):04X}" for x in nfd])
'0065 0301 006C 0065 0300 0076 0065'
>>> s = "⑴ ffi ²"
>>> NFC(s), NFKC(s), NFD(s), NFKD(s)
('⑴ ffi ²', '(1) ffi 2', '⑴ ffi ²', '(1) ffi 2')

>>> from pyunormalize import normalize
>>> normalize("NFKD", "⑴ ffi ²")
'(1) ffi 2'
>>> forms = ["NFC", "NFD", "NFKC", "NFKD"]
>>> [normalize(f, "\u017F\u0307\u0323") for f in forms]
['ẛ̣', 'ẛ̣', 'ṩ', 'ṩ']

Related resources

This implementation is based on the following resources:


The code is available under the MIT license.

Usage of Unicode data files is governed by the UNICODE TERMS OF USE. Further specifications of rights and restrictions pertaining to the use of the Unicode data files and software can be found in the Unicode Data Files and Software License, a copy of which is included as UNICODE-LICENSE.