Project: pyzstd

Python bindings to Zstandard (zstd) compression library, the API style is similar to Python's bz2/lzma/zlib modules.

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Pyzstd module provides classes and functions for compressing and decompressing data, using Facebook's Zstandard <>_ (or zstd as short name) algorithm.

The API style is similar to Python's bz2/lzma/zlib modules.

  • Includes zstd v1.5.5 source code
  • Can also dynamically link to zstd library provided by system, see this note <>_.
  • Has a CFFI implementation that can work with PyPy
  • ZstdFile class has C language level performance
  • Supports Zstandard Seekable Format <>__
  • Has a command line interface: python -m pyzstd --help




Release note

0.15.9 (Jun 24, 2023)

ZstdFile class related changes:

#. Add SeekableZstdFile <>_ class, it's a subclass of ZstdFile, supports Zstandard Seekable Format <>__.

#. Add mode argument to ZstdFile.flush() method, now it can flush a zstd frame.

#. Add read_size and write_size arguments to ZstdFile.__init__() method, can work with Network File Systems better.

#. Optimize ZstdFile performance to C language level.

0.15.7 (Apr 21, 2023)

ZstdDict class changes:

#. Fix these advanced compression parameters may be ignored when loading a dictionary: windowLog, hashLog, chainLog, searchLog, minMatch, targetLength, strategy, enableLongDistanceMatching, ldmHashLog, ldmMinMatch, ldmBucketSizeLog, ldmHashRateLog, and some non-public parameters.

#. When compressing, load undigested dictionary instead of digested dictionary by default. Loading again an undigested is slower, see differences <>_.

#. Add .as_prefix <>_ attribute. Can use zstd as a patching engine <>_.

0.15.6 (Apr 5, 2023)

Upgrade zstd source code from v1.5.4 to v1.5.5 <>_.

0.15.4 (Feb 24, 2023)

#. Upgrade zstd source code from v1.5.2 to v1.5.4 <>_. v1.5.3 is a non-public release.

#. Support pyproject.toml build mechanism (PEP-517). Note that specifying build options in old way may be invalid, see build commands <>_.

#. Support "multi-phase initialization" (PEP-489) on CPython 3.11+, can work with CPython sub-interpreters in the future. Currently this build option is disabled by default.

#. Add a command line interface (CLI).

0.15.3 (Aug 3, 2022)

Fix ZstdError object can't be pickled.

0.15.2 (Jan 22, 2022)

Upgrade zstd source code from v1.5.1 to v1.5.2 <>_.

0.15.1 (Dec 25, 2021)

#. Upgrade zstd source code from v1.5.0 to v1.5.1 <>_.

#. Fix ZstdFile.write() / train_dict() / finalize_dict() may use wrong length for some buffer protocol objects, see this issue <>_.

#. Two behavior changes:

* Setting ``CParameter.nbWorkers`` to ``1`` now means "1-thread multi-threaded mode", rather than "single-threaded mode".

* If the underlying zstd library doesn't support multi-threaded compression, no longer automatically fallback to "single-threaded mode", now raise a ``ZstdError`` exception.

#. Add a module level variable zstd_support_multithread <>_.

#. Add a option --avx2, see build options <>_.

0.15.0 (May 18, 2021)

#. Upgrade zstd source code from v1.4.9 to v1.5.0 <>_.

#. Some improvements, no API changes.

0.14.4 (Mar 24, 2021)

#. Add a CFFI implementation that can work with PyPy.

#. Allow dynamically link to zstd library.

0.14.3 (Mar 4, 2021)

Upgrade zstd source code from v1.4.8 to v1.4.9 <>_.

0.14.2 (Feb 24, 2021)

#. Add two convenient functions: compress_stream() <>, decompress_stream() <>.

#. Some improvements.

0.14.1 (Dec 19, 2020)

#. Upgrade zstd source code from v1.4.5 to v1.4.8 <>_.

* v1.4.6 is a non-public release for Linux kernel.

* v1.4.8 is a hotfix for `v1.4.7 <>`_.

#. Some improvements, no API changes.

0.13.0 (Nov 7, 2020)

#. ZstdDecompressor class: now it has the same API and behavior as BZ2Decompressor / LZMADecompressor classes in Python standard library, it stops after a frame is decompressed.

#. Add an EndlessZstdDecompressor class, it accepts multiple concatenated frames. It is renamed from previous ZstdDecompressor class, but .at_frame_edge is True when both the input and output streams are at a frame edge.

#. Rename zstd_open() function to open(), consistent with Python standard library.

#. decompress() function:

* ~9% faster when: there is one frame, and the decompressed size was recorded in frame header.

* raises ZstdError when input **or** output data is not at a frame edge. Previously, it only raise for output data is not at a frame edge.

0.12.5 (Oct 12, 2020)

No longer use Argument Clinic <>_, now supports Python 3.5+, previously 3.7+.

0.12.4 (Oct 7, 2020)

It seems the API is stable.

0.2.4 (Sep 2, 2020)

The first version upload to PyPI.

Includes zstd v1.4.5 <>_ source code.