A tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements.
RequirementsLib: Requirement Management Library for Pip and Pipenv
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Install from PyPI
.. code:: console
$ pipenv install requirementslib
Install from Github
.. code:: console
$ pipenv install -e git+https://github.com/sarugaku/requirementslib.git#egg=requirementslib
.. _PyPI: https://www.pypi.org/project/requirementslib .. _Github: https://github.com/sarugaku/requirementslib
.. _Summary
RequirementsLib provides a simple layer for building and interacting with
requirements in both the Pipfile <https://github.com/pypa/pipfile/>
_ format
and the requirements.txt <https://github.com/pypa/pip/>
_ format. This library
was originally built for converting between these formats in Pipenv <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv>
.. _Usage
You can use RequirementsLib to import your lockfile into your setup file for including your install_requires dependencies:
.. code-block:: pycon
from requirementslib import Lockfile
lockfile = Lockfile.create('/path/to/project/dir')
install_requires = lockfile.as_requirements(dev=False)
You can also interact directly with a Pipfile:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from requirementslib import Pipfile
>>> pf = Pipfile.load('/home/hawk/git/pypa-pipenv')
>>> pf.sections
[Section(name='packages', requirements=[]), Section(name='dev-packages', requirements=[Requirement(name='pipenv', vcs=None, req=FileRequirement(setup_path=None, path='.', editable=True, uri='file:///home/hawk/git/pypa-pipenv', link=<Link file:///home/hawk/git/pypa-pipenv>, name='pipenv', req=<Requirement: "-e file:///home/hawk/git/pypa-pipenv">), markers='', specifiers=None, index=None, editable=True, hashes=[], extras=None),...]
And you can even write it back out into Pipfile's native format:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> print(pf.dump(to_dict=False))
pipenv = {path = ".", editable = true}
flake8 = ">=3.3.0,<4"
pytest = "*"
mock = "*"
tests = "bash ./run-tests.sh"
allow_prereleases = true
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from requirementslib import Requirement
>>> r = Requirement.from_line('-e git+https://github.com/pypa/pipenv.git@master#egg=pipenv')
>>> print(r)
Requirement(name='pipenv', vcs='git', req=VCSRequirement(editable=True, uri='git+https://github.com/pypa/pipenv.git', path=None, vcs='git', ref='master', subdirectory=None, name='pipenv', link=<Link git+https://github.com/pypa/pipenv.git@master#egg=pipenv>, req=<Requirement: "-e git+https://github.com/pypa/pipenv.git@master#egg=pipenv">), markers=None, specifiers=None, index=None, editable=True, hashes=[], extras=[])
>>> r.as_pipfile()
{'pipenv': {'editable': True, 'ref': 'master', 'git': 'https://github.com/pypa/pipenv.git'}}
Or move from Pipfile format to requirements.txt:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> r = Requirement.from_pipfile(name='pythonfinder', indexes=[], pipfile={'path': '../pythonfinder', 'editable': True})
>>> r.as_line()
'-e ../pythonfinder'
Requirementslib also can resolve the dependencies of editable packages by calling the run_requires
This method returns a detailed dictionary containing metadata parsed from the package built in
a transient folder (unless it is already on the system or the call is run in a virtualenv).
The output of run_requires
is very detailed and in most cases will be sufficient:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from requirementslib.models.requirements import Requirement
>>> r = Requirement.from_line("-e git+git@github.com:sarugaku/vistir.git#egg=vistir[spinner]")
>>> setup_info_dict = r.run_requires()
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(setup_info_dict)
{'base_dir': '/tmp/requirementslib-t_ftl6no-src/src/vistir',
'build_backend': 'setuptools.build_meta',
'build_requires': ['setuptools>=36.2.2', 'wheel>=0.28.0'],
'extra_kwargs': {'build_dir': '/tmp/requirementslib-t_ftl6no-src/src',
'download_dir': '/home/hawk/.cache/pipenv/pkgs',
'src_dir': '/tmp/requirementslib-t_ftl6no-src/src',
'wheel_download_dir': '/home/hawk/.cache/pipenv/wheels'},
'extras': {'spinner': [Requirement.parse('cursor'),
'tests': [Requirement.parse('pytest'),
'ireq': <InstallRequirement object: vistir[spinner] from git+ssh://git@github.com/sarugaku/vistir.git#egg=vistir editable=True>,
'name': 'vistir',
'pyproject': PosixPath('/tmp/requirementslib-t_ftl6no-src/src/vistir/pyproject.toml'),
'python_requires': '>=2.6,!=3.0,!=3.1,!=3.2,!=3.3',
'requires': {'backports.functools_lru_cache;python_version<="3.4"': Requirement.parse('backports.functools_lru_cache; python_version <= "3.4"'),
'backports.shutil_get_terminal_size;python_version<"3.3"': Requirement.parse('backports.shutil_get_terminal_size; python_version < "3.3"'),
'backports.weakref;python_version<"3.3"': Requirement.parse('backports.weakref; python_version < "3.3"'),
'colorama': Requirement.parse('colorama'),
'pathlib2;python_version<"3.5"': Requirement.parse('pathlib2; python_version < "3.5"'),
'requests': Requirement.parse('requests'),
'six': Requirement.parse('six'),
'spinner': [Requirement.parse('cursor'),
'setup_cfg': PosixPath('/tmp/requirementslib-t_ftl6no-src/src/vistir/setup.cfg'),
'setup_py': PosixPath('/tmp/requirementslib-t_ftl6no-src/src/vistir/setup.py')}
As a side-effect of calls to run_requires
, new metadata is made available on the
requirement itself via the property requirement.req.dependencies
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> pprint(r.req.dependencies)
({'backports.functools_lru_cache;python_version<="3.4"': Requirement.parse('backports.functools_lru_cache; python_version <= "3.4"'),
'backports.shutil_get_terminal_size;python_version<"3.3"': Requirement.parse('backports.shutil_get_terminal_size; python_version < "3.3"'),
'backports.weakref;python_version<"3.3"': Requirement.parse('backports.weakref; python_version < "3.3"'),
'colorama': Requirement.parse('colorama'),
'pathlib2;python_version<"3.5"': Requirement.parse('pathlib2; python_version < "3.5"'),
'requests': Requirement.parse('requests'),
'six': Requirement.parse('six'),
'spinner': [Requirement.parse('cursor'), Requirement.parse('yaspin')]},
['setuptools>=36.2.2', 'wheel>=0.28.0'])
Pip <https://github.com/pypa/pip>
_Pipenv <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv>
_Fork the repository and clone the fork to your local machine: git clone git@github.com:yourusername/requirementslib.git
Move into the repository directory and update the submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
Install the package locally in a virtualenv using pipenv <https://github.com/pypa/pipenv>
_: pipenv install --dev
a. You can also install the package into a virtualenv <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv>
_ by running pip install -e .[dev,tests,typing]
to ensure all the development and test dependencies are installed
Before making any changes to the code, make sure to file an issue. The best way to ensure a smooth collaboration is to communicate before investing significant time and energy into any changes! Make sure to consider not just your own use case but others who might be using the library
Create a new branch. For bugs, you can simply branch to bugfix/<issuenumber>
. Features can be branched to feature/<issuenumber>
. This convention
is to streamline the branching process and to encourage good practices around filing issues and associating pull requests with specific issues. If you
find yourself addressing many issues in one pull request, that should give you pause
Make your desired changes. Don't forget to add additional tests to account for your new code -- continuous integration will fail without it
Test your changes by running pipenv run pytest -ra tests
or simply pytest -ra tests
if you are inside an activated virtual environment
Create a corresponding .rst
file in the news
directory with a one sentence description of your change, e.g. Resolved an issue which sometimes prevented requirements from being converted from Pipfile entries to pip lines correctly
Commit your changes. The first line of your commit should be a summary of your changes, no longer than 72 characters, followed by a blank line, followed by a bulleted description of your changes.
Don't forget to add separate lines with the phrase - Fixes #<issuenumber>
for each issue you are addressing in your pull request
Before submitting your pull request, make sure to git remote add upstream git@github.com:sarugaku/requirementslib.git
and then git fetch upstream && git pull upstream master
to ensure your code is in sync with the latest version of the master branch,
Create a pull request describing your fix, referencing the issues in question. If your commit message from step 8 was detailed, you should be able to copy and paste it