Project: resiliparse

A collection of robust and fast processing tools for parsing and analyzing (not only) web archive data.

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ChatNoir Resiliparse

A collection of robust and fast processing tools for parsing and analyzing (not only) web archive data.

Resiliparse is a part of the ChatNoir web analytics toolkit.

Installing Resiliparse

Pre-built Resiliparse binaries can be installed from PyPi:

pip install resiliparse

Building Resiliparse From Source

You can compile Resiliparse either from the PyPi source package or directly from this repository, though in any case, you need to install all required build-time dependencies first. On Ubuntu, this is done as follows:

# Add Lexbor repository
curl -sL | \
  sudo gpg --dearmor --output /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lexbor.gpg
echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) liblexbor" | \
    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lexbor.list

# Install build dependencies (requires libre2-dev>=2022-04-01)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev libuchardet-dev liblexbor-dev libre2-dev

To build and install Resiliparse from PyPi, run

pip install --no-binary resiliparse resiliparse

That's it. If you prefer to build and install directly from this repository instead, run:

pip install -e resiliparse

To build the wheels without installing them, run:

pip wheel -e resiliparse

# Or:
pip install build && python -m build --wheel resiliparse

Usage Instructions

For detailed usage instructions, please consult the Resiliparse User Manual.

Cite Us

If you use ChatNoir or Resiliparse, please consider citing our ECIR 2018 demo paper:

  address =             {Berlin Heidelberg New York},
  author =              {Janek Bevendorff and Benno Stein and Matthias Hagen and Martin Potthast},
  booktitle =           {Advances in Information Retrieval. 40th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2018)},
  editor =              {Leif Azzopardi and Allan Hanbury and Gabriella Pasi and Benjamin Piwowarski},
  month =               mar,
  publisher =           {Springer},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  site =                {Grenoble, France},
  title =               {{Elastic ChatNoir: Search Engine for the ClueWeb and the Common Crawl}},
  year =                2018