Project: typing

Type Hints for Python

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Typing -- Type Hints for Python

This is a backport of the standard library typing module to Python versions older than 3.5. (See note below for newer versions.)

Typing defines a standard notation for Python function and variable type annotations. The notation can be used for documenting code in a concise, standard format, and it has been designed to also be used by static and runtime type checkers, static analyzers, IDEs and other tools.

NOTE: in Python 3.5 and later, the typing module lives in the stdlib, and installing this package has NO EFFECT, because stdlib takes higher precedence than the installation directory. To get a newer version of the typing module in Python 3.5 or later, you have to upgrade to a newer Python (bugfix) version. For example, typing in Python 3.6.0 is missing the definition of 'Type' -- upgrading to 3.6.2 will fix this.

Also note that most improvements to the typing module in Python 3.7 will not be included in this package, since Python 3.7 has some built-in support that is not present in older versions (See PEP 560.)

For package maintainers, it is preferred to use typing;python_version<"3.5" if your package requires it to support earlier Python versions. This will avoid shadowing the stdlib typing module when your package is installed via pip install -t . on Python 3.5 or later.