Project: azure-servicefabric

Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Client Library for Python

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Microsoft Azure SDK for Python

This is the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Client Library. This package has been tested with Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the azure sdk python release.


For code examples, see Service Fabric on

Provide Feedback

If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the Issues section of the project.


Release History (2021-12-14)


Breaking changes

Added new operations:

  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.validate_cluster_upgrade
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.update_application
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.move_auxiliary_replica

Added new models:

  • ApplicationUpdateDescription
  • CurrentUpgradeUnitsProgressInfo
  • ServiceHostUpgradeImpact
  • UpgradeDomainDeployedApplicationsHealthEvaluation
  • UpgradeUnitInfo
  • UpgradeUnitState
  • ValidateClusterUpgradeResult (2021-05-03)


  • Model ApplicationUpgradeDescription has a new parameter managed_application_identity
  • Model StatelessServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter instance_lifecycle_description
  • Model StatelessServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter tags_for_running
  • Model StatelessServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter service_dns_name
  • Model StatelessServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter tags_for_placement
  • Model StatelessServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter instance_restart_wait_duration_seconds
  • Model ServiceDescription has a new parameter tags_required_to_place
  • Model ServiceDescription has a new parameter tags_required_to_run
  • Model ServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter tags_for_placement
  • Model ServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter tags_for_running
  • Model ServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter service_dns_name
  • Model StatefulServiceDescription has a new parameter replica_lifecycle_description
  • Model StatefulServiceDescription has a new parameter tags_required_to_place
  • Model StatefulServiceDescription has a new parameter tags_required_to_run
  • Model StatelessServiceDescription has a new parameter instance_lifecycle_description
  • Model StatelessServiceDescription has a new parameter instance_restart_wait_duration_seconds
  • Model StatelessServiceDescription has a new parameter tags_required_to_place
  • Model StatelessServiceDescription has a new parameter tags_required_to_run
  • Model ClusterHealthPolicy has a new parameter node_type_health_policy_map
  • Model NodeInfo has a new parameter node_tags
  • Model StatefulServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter replica_lifecycle_description
  • Model StatefulServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter tags_for_placement
  • Model StatefulServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter tags_for_running
  • Model StatefulServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter service_dns_name
  • Model ApplicationInfo has a new parameter managed_application_identity
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.add_node_tags
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.move_instance
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.remove_node_tags
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.get_loaded_partition_info_list

Breaking changes

  • Operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.create_backup_policy has a new signature
  • Operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.update_backup_policy has a new signature
  • Model AverageServiceLoadScalingTrigger has a new required parameter use_only_primary_load (2020-10-29)


  • Added update_partition_load method to update the loads of provided partitions. (2020-05-14)


  • Fix ContainerCodePackageProperties entrypoint to entry_point (2019-12-13)

This is re-release of to match the actual API version used internally (2019-12-07)


  • Model StartClusterUpgradeDescription has a new parameter instance_close_delay_duration_in_seconds
  • Model Setting has a new parameter type
  • Model ApplicationUpgradeDescription has a new parameter instance_close_delay_duration_in_seconds
  • Model HealthEvent has a new parameter health_report_id
  • Model HealthInformation has a new parameter health_report_id
  • Model StatelessServiceDescription has a new parameter flags
  • Model StatelessServiceDescription has a new parameter min_instance_count
  • Model StatelessServiceDescription has a new parameter min_instance_percentage
  • Model StatelessServiceDescription has a new parameter instance_close_delay_duration_seconds
  • Model StatefulServiceDescription has a new parameter service_placement_time_limit_seconds
  • Model ImageRegistryCredential has a new parameter password_type
  • Model ContainerCodePackageProperties has a new parameter liveness_probe
  • Model ContainerCodePackageProperties has a new parameter readiness_probe
  • Model ServiceResourceDescription has a new parameter execution_policy
  • Model ServiceResourceDescription has a new parameter dns_name
  • Model StatefulServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter service_placement_time_limit_seconds
  • Model EnvironmentVariable has a new parameter type
  • Model StatelessServicePartitionInfo has a new parameter min_instance_percentage
  • Model StatelessServicePartitionInfo has a new parameter min_instance_count
  • Model RollingUpgradeUpdateDescription has a new parameter instance_close_delay_duration_in_seconds
  • Model ServiceProperties has a new parameter execution_policy
  • Model ServiceProperties has a new parameter dns_name
  • Model StatelessServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter min_instance_percentage
  • Model StatelessServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter min_instance_count
  • Model StatelessServiceUpdateDescription has a new parameter instance_close_delay_duration_seconds
  • Added operation MeshApplicationOperations.get_upgrade_progress
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.remove_configuration_overrides
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.get_image_store_info
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.get_configuration_overrides
  • Added operation ServiceFabricClientAPIsOperationsMixin.add_configuration_parameter_overrides (2019-06-17)


  • Model ApplicationDescription has a new parameter managed_application_identity
  • Model ApplicationUpgradeDescription has a new parameter sort_order
  • Model NodeLoadMetricInformation has a new parameter planned_node_load_removal
  • Model NodeLoadMetricInformation has a new parameter current_node_load
  • Model NodeLoadMetricInformation has a new parameter buffered_node_capacity_remaining
  • Model NodeLoadMetricInformation has a new parameter node_capacity_remaining
  • Model StartClusterUpgradeDescription has a new parameter sort_order
  • Model ApplicationResourceDescription has a new parameter identity
  • Model ServiceResourceDescription has a new parameter identity_refs
  • Model ClusterUpgradeDescriptionObject has a new parameter sort_order
  • Model ServiceProperties has a new parameter identity_refs

Breaking changes

  • Model ChaosStartedEvent no longer has parameter wait_time_between_fautls_in_seconds
  • Model ChaosStartedEvent has a new required parameter wait_time_between_faults_in_seconds (2018-12-07)


  • Numerous improvements to descriptions and help texts


  • Add command to get cluster load
  • Add command to get cluster version
  • Add mesh gateway support
  • Add mesh support
  • Add command for rolling back compose deployment upgrades
  • Various new parameters added. (2018-07-27)


  • Numerous improvements to descriptions and help texts


  • Add application health policies parameter for config upgrade
  • Query to get nodes now supports specification to limit number of returned items (2018-05-10)

General Breaking changes

This version uses a next-generation code generator that might introduce breaking changes.

  • Model signatures now use only keyword-argument syntax. All positional arguments must be re-written as keyword-arguments. To keep auto-completion in most cases, models are now generated for Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 uses the "*" syntax for keyword-only arguments.
  • Enum types now use the "str" mixin (class AzureEnum(str, Enum)) to improve the behavior when unrecognized enum values are encountered. While this is not a breaking change, the distinctions are important, and are documented here: At a glance:
    • "is" should not be used at all.
    • "format" will return the string value, where "%s" string formatting will return NameOfEnum.stringvalue. Format syntax should be prefered.
  • New Long Running Operation:
    • Return type changes from msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller to msrest.polling.LROPoller. External API is the same.
    • Return type is now always a msrest.polling.LROPoller, regardless of the optional parameters used.
    • The behavior has changed when using raw=True. Instead of returning the initial call result as ClientRawResponse, without polling, now this returns an LROPoller. After polling, the final resource will be returned as a ClientRawResponse.
    • New polling parameter. The default behavior is Polling=True which will poll using ARM algorithm. When Polling=False, the response of the initial call will be returned without polling.
    • polling parameter accepts instances of subclasses of msrest.polling.PollingMethod.
    • add_done_callback will no longer raise if called after polling is finished, but will instead execute the callback right away.


  • Numerous fixes to descriptions and help text of entities
  • Compatibility of the sdist with wheel 0.31.0


  • Add support for invoking container APIs
  • Add option to fetch container logs from exited containers
  • Query to get chaos events now supports specification to limit number of returned items
  • Client class can be used as a context manager to keep the underlying HTTP session open for performance (2018-02-05)


  • Numerous fixes to descriptions and help text of entities


  • Chaos service now supports a target filter
  • Application types can now be provisioned and created in external stores
  • Added Orchestration Service internal support APIs
  • Added container deployment management APIs (2018-01-23)

This version was broken and has been removed from PyPI.

6.0.2 (2017-10-26)


  • remove application_type_version in get_application_type_info_list_by_name
  • fix application_type_definition_kind_filter default value from 65535 to 0


  • add create_name, get_name_exists_info, delete_name, get_sub_name_info_list, get_property_info_list, put_property, get_property_info, delete_property, submit_property_batch

6.0.1 (2017-09-28)

Bug fix

  • Fix some unexpected exceptions

6.0 (2017-09-22)

  • Stable 6.0 api

6.0.0rc1 (2017-09-16)

  • Release candidate for Service Fabric 6.0 runtime

5.6.130 (2017-05-04)

  • Initial Release