Project: bnunicodenormalizer

Bangla Unicode Normalization Toolkit

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Bangla Unicode Normalization for word normalization


pip install bnunicodenormalizer


initialization and cleaning

# import
from bnunicodenormalizer import Normalizer 
from pprint import pprint
# initialize
# normalize
word = 'াটোবাকো'
print(f"Non-norm:{word}; Norm:{result['normalized']}")


Non-norm:াটোবাকো; Norm:টোবাকো
{'given': 'াটোবাকো',
 'normalized': 'টোবাকো',
 'ops': [{'after': 'টোবাকো',
          'before': 'াটোবাকো',
          'operation': 'InvalidUnicode'}]}

call to the normalizer returns a dictionary in the following format

  • given = provided text
  • normalized = normalized text (gives None if during the operation length of the text becomes 0)
  • ops = list of operations (dictionary) that were executed in given text to create normalized text
  • each dictionary in ops has:
    • operation: the name of the operation / problem in given text
    • before : what the text looked like before the specific operation
    • after : what the text looks like after the specific operation

allow to use english text

# initialize without english (default)
print("without english:",norm("ASD123")["normalized"])
# --> returns None
print("with english:",norm("ASD123")["normalized"])


without english: None
with english: ASD123

Initialization: Bangla Normalizer

    initialize a normalizer
                allow_english                   :   allow english letters numbers and punctuations [default:False]
                keep_legacy_symbols             :   legacy symbols will be considered as valid unicodes[default:False]
                                                    'ঀ':Anji (not '৭')
                                                    'ৡ':dirgho li
                                                    'ৠ':Vocalic Rr (not 'ঋ')
                                                    '৴':currency numerator 1
                                                    '৵':currency numerator 2
                                                    '৶':currency numerator 3
                                                    '৷':currency numerator 4
                                                    '৸':currency numerator one less than the denominator
                                                    '৹':Currency Denominator Sixteen
                legacy_maps                     :   a dictionay for changing legacy symbols into a more used  unicode 
                                                    a default legacy map is included in the language class as well,
                                                    * legacy_maps=None; for keeping the legacy symbols as they are
                                                    * legacy_maps="default"; for using the default legacy map
                                                    * legacy_maps=custom dictionary(type-dict) ; which will map your desired legacy symbol to any of symbol you want
                                                        * the keys in the custiom dicts must belong to any of the legacy symbols
                                                        * the values in the custiom dicts must belong to either vowels,consonants,numbers or diacritics  
                                                        vowels         =   ['অ', 'আ', 'ই', 'ঈ', 'উ', 'ঊ', 'ঋ', 'এ', 'ঐ', 'ও', 'ঔ']
                                                        consonants     =   ['ক', 'খ', 'গ', 'ঘ', 'ঙ', 'চ', 'ছ','জ', 'ঝ', 'ঞ', 
                                                                            'ট', 'ঠ', 'ড', 'ঢ', 'ণ', 'ত', 'থ', 'দ', 'ধ', 'ন', 
                                                                            'প', 'ফ', 'ব', 'ভ', 'ম', 'য', 'র', 'ল', 'শ', 'ষ', 
                                                                            'স', 'হ','ড়', 'ঢ়', 'য়','ৎ']    
                                                        numbers        =    ['০', '১', '২', '৩', '৪', '৫', '৬', '৭', '৮', '৯']
                                                        vowel_diacritics       =   ['া', 'ি', 'ী', 'ু', 'ূ', 'ৃ', 'ে', 'ৈ', 'ো', 'ৌ']
                                                        consonant_diacritics   =   ['ঁ', 'ং', 'ঃ']
                                                        > for example you may want to map 'ঽ':Avagraha as 'হ' based on visual similiarity 

                ** legacy contions: keep_legacy_symbols and legacy_maps operates as follows 
                    case-1) keep_legacy_symbols=True and legacy_maps=None
                        : all legacy symbols will be considered valid unicodes. None of them will be changed
                    case-2) keep_legacy_symbols=True and legacy_maps=valid dictionary example:{'ঀ':'ক'}
                        : all legacy symbols will be considered valid unicodes. Only 'ঀ' will be changed to 'ক' , others will be untouched
                    case-3) keep_legacy_symbols=False and legacy_maps=None
                        : all legacy symbols will be removed
                    case-4) keep_legacy_symbols=False and legacy_maps=valid dictionary example:{'ঽ':'ই','ৠ':'ঋ'}
                        : 'ঽ' will be changed to 'ই' and 'ৠ' will be changed to 'ঋ'. All other legacy symbols will be removed

# case 1
print("case-1 normalized text:  ",norm(text)["normalized"])
# case 2
print("case-2 normalized text:  ",norm(text)["normalized"])
# case 2-defalut
print("case-2 default normalized text:  ",norm(text)["normalized"])

# case 3
print("case-3 normalized text:  ",norm(text)["normalized"])
# case 4
print("case-4 normalized text:  ",norm(text)["normalized"])
# case 4-defalut
print("case-4 default normalized text:  ",norm(text)["normalized"])


case-1 normalized text:   ৺,৻,ঀ,ঌ,ৡ,ঽ,ৠ,৲,৴,৵,৶,৷,৸,৹
case-2 normalized text:   ৺,৻,ঀ,ই,ই,ই,ই,৲,৴,ই,৶,৷,৸,৹
case-2 default normalized text:   ৺,৻,ঀ,ঌ,ৡ,ঽ,ৠ,৲,৴,৵,৶,৷,৸,৹
case-3 normalized text:   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
case-4 normalized text:   ,,,ই,ই,ই,ই,,,ই,,,,
case-4 default normalized text:   ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 


  • base operations available for all indic languages:
self.word_level_ops={"LegacySymbols"   :self.mapLegacySymbols,
                    "BrokenDiacritics" :self.fixBrokenDiacritics}

self.decomp_level_ops={"BrokenNukta"             :self.fixBrokenNukta,
                    "InvalidUnicode"             :self.cleanInvalidUnicodes,
                    "InvalidConnector"           :self.cleanInvalidConnector,
                    "FixDiacritics"              :self.cleanDiacritics,
                    "VowelDiacriticAfterVowel"   :self.cleanVowelDiacriticComingAfterVowel}
  • extensions for bangla
self.decomp_level_ops["ToAndHosontoNormalize"]             =       self.normalizeToandHosonto

# invalid folas 
self.decomp_level_ops["NormalizeConjunctsDiacritics"]      =       self.cleanInvalidConjunctDiacritics

# complex root cleanup 
self.decomp_level_ops["ComplexRootNormalization"]          =       self.convertComplexRoots

Normalization Problem Examples

In all examples (a) is the non-normalized form and (b) is the normalized form

  • Broken diacritics:
# Example-1: 
(a)'আরো'==(b)'আরো' ->  False 
    (a) breaks as:['আ', 'র', 'ে', 'া']
    (b) breaks as:['আ', 'র', 'ো']
# Example-2:
(a)পৌঁছে==(b)পৌঁছে ->  False
    (a) breaks as:['প', 'ে', 'ৗ', 'ঁ', 'ছ', 'ে']
    (b) breaks as:['প', 'ৌ', 'ঁ', 'ছ', 'ে']
# Example-3:
(a)সংস্কৄতি==(b)সংস্কৃতি ->  False
    (a) breaks as:['স', 'ং', 'স', '্', 'ক', 'ৄ', 'ত', 'ি']
    (b) breaks as:['স', 'ং', 'স', '্', 'ক', 'ৃ', 'ত', 'ি']
  • Nukta Normalization:
(a)কেন্দ্রীয়==(b)কেন্দ্রীয় ->  False
    (a) breaks as:['ক', 'ে', 'ন', '্', 'দ', '্', 'র', 'ী', 'য', '়']
    (b) breaks as:['ক', 'ে', 'ন', '্', 'দ', '্', 'র', 'ী', 'য়']
(a)রযে়ছে==(b)রয়েছে ->  False
    (a) breaks as:['র', 'য', 'ে', '়', 'ছ', 'ে']
    (b) breaks as:['র', 'য়', 'ে', 'ছ', 'ে']
(a)জ়ন্য==(b)জন্য ->  False
    (a) breaks as:['জ', '়', 'ন', '্', 'য']
    (b) breaks as:['জ', 'ন', '্', 'য']
  • Invalid hosonto
# Example-1:
    (a) breaks as ['দ', 'ু', 'ই', '্', 'ট', 'ি']
    (b) breaks as ['দ', 'ু', 'ই', 'ট', 'ি']
# Example-2:
    (a) breaks as ['এ', '্', 'ত', 'ে']
    (b) breaks as ['এ', 'ত', 'ে']
# Example-3:
    (a) breaks as ['ন', 'ে', 'ট', '্', 'ও', 'য়', 'া', 'র', '্', 'ক']
    (b) breaks as ['ন', 'ে', 'ট', 'ও', 'য়', 'া', 'র', '্', 'ক']
# Example-4:
    (a) breaks as ['এ', 'স', '্', 'আ', 'ই']
    (b) breaks as ['এ', 'স', 'আ', 'ই']
# Example-5: 
(a)'চু্ক্তি'==(b)'চুক্তি' ->  False 
    (a) breaks as:['চ', 'ু', '্', 'ক', '্', 'ত', 'ি']
    (b) breaks as:['চ', 'ু','ক', '্', 'ত', 'ি']
# Example-6:
(a)'যু্ক্ত'==(b)'যুক্ত' ->   False
    (a) breaks as:['য', 'ু', '্', 'ক', '্', 'ত']
    (b) breaks as:['য', 'ু', 'ক', '্', 'ত']
# Example-7:
(a)'কিছু্ই'==(b)'কিছুই' ->   False
    (a) breaks as:['ক', 'ি', 'ছ', 'ু', '্', 'ই']
    (b) breaks as:['ক', 'ি', 'ছ', 'ু','ই']
  • To+hosonto:
# Example-1:
    (a) breaks as ['ব', 'ু', 'ত', '্', 'প', 'ত', '্', 'ত', 'ি']
    (b) breaks as ['ব', 'ু', 'ৎ', 'প', 'ত', '্', 'ত', 'ি']
# Example-2:
    (a) breaks as ['উ', 'ত', '্', 'স']
    (b) breaks as ['উ', 'ৎ', 'স']
  • Unwanted doubles(consecutive doubles):
# Example-1: 
(a)'যুুদ্ধ'==(b)'যুদ্ধ' ->  False 
    (a) breaks as:['য', 'ু', 'ু', 'দ', '্', 'ধ']
    (b) breaks as:['য', 'ু', 'দ', '্', 'ধ']
# Example-2:
(a)'দুুই'==(b)'দুই' ->   False
    (a) breaks as:['দ', 'ু', 'ু', 'ই']
    (b) breaks as:['দ', 'ু', 'ই']
# Example-3:
(a)'প্রকৃৃতির'==(b)'প্রকৃতির' ->   False
    (a) breaks as:['প', '্', 'র', 'ক', 'ৃ', 'ৃ', 'ত', 'ি', 'র']
    (b) breaks as:['প', '্', 'র', 'ক', 'ৃ', 'ত', 'ি', 'র']
# Example-4:
(a)আমাকোা==(b)'আমাকো'->   False
    (a) breaks as:['আ', 'ম', 'া', 'ক', 'ে', 'া', 'া']
    (b) breaks as:['আ', 'ম', 'া', 'ক', 'ো']
  • Vowwels and modifier followed by vowel diacritics:
# Example-1:
    (a) breaks as ['উ', 'ু', 'ল', 'ু']
    (b) breaks as ['উ', 'ল', 'ু']
# Example-2:
    (a) breaks as ['আ', 'র', '্', 'ক', 'ি', 'ও', 'ো', 'ল', 'জ', 'ি']
    (b) breaks as ['আ', 'র', '্', 'ক', 'ি', 'ও', 'ল', 'জ', 'ি']
# Example-3:
    (a) breaks as ['এ', 'ক', 'এ', 'ে']
    (b) breaks as ['এ', 'ক', 'ত', '্', 'র', 'ে']
  • Repeated folas:
# Example-1:
    (a) breaks as ['গ', '্', 'র', '্', 'র', 'া', 'ম', 'ক', 'ে']
    (b) breaks as ['গ', '্', 'র', 'া', 'ম', 'ক', 'ে']


The normalization is purely based on how bangla text is used in Bangladesh(bn:bd). It does not necesserily cover every variation of textual content available at other regions

unit testing

  • clone the repository
  • change working directory to tests
  • run: python3 -m unittest

Issue Reporting

  • for reporting an issue please provide the specific information

    • invalid text
    • expected valid text
    • why is the output expected
    • clone the repository
    • add a test case in tests/ after line no:91
        # Dummy Non-Bangla,Numbers and Space cases/ Invalid start end cases
        # english
        # random
        # Ending
        #--------------------------------------------- insert your assertions here----------------------------------------
            ###  case: give a comment about your case
            ## (a) invalid text==(b) valid text <---- an example of your case
            self.assertEqual(norm(invalid text)["normalized"],expected output)
            self.assertEqual(ennorm(invalid text)["normalized"],expected output) <----- for including english text
        # your case goes here-
    • perform the unit testing
    • make sure the unit test fails under true conditions

Indic Base Normalizer

  • to use indic language normalizer for 'devanagari', 'gujarati', 'odiya', 'tamil', 'panjabi', 'malayalam','sylhetinagri'
from bnunicodenormalizer import IndicNormalizer
  • initialization
    initialize a normalizer
        language                        :   language identifier from 'devanagari', 'gujarati', 'odiya', 'tamil', 'panjabi', 'malayalam','sylhetinagri'
        allow_english                   :   allow english letters numbers and punctuations [default:False]


  title={A large multi-target dataset of common bengali handwritten graphemes},
  author={Alam, Samiul and Reasat, Tahsin and Sushmit, Asif Shahriyar and Siddique, Sadi Mohammad and Rahman, Fuad and Hasan, Mahady and Humayun, Ahmed Imtiaz},
  booktitle={International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition},

Change Log

0.0.5 (9/03/2022)

  • added details for execution map
  • checkop typo correction

0.0.6 (9/03/2022)

  • broken diacritics op addition

0.0.7 (11/03/2022)

  • assemese replacement
  • word op and unicode op mapping
  • modifier list modification
  • doc string for call and initialization
  • verbosity removal
  • typo correction for operation
  • unit test updates
  • 'এ' replacement correction
  • NonGylphUnicodes
  • Legacy symbols option
  • legacy mapper added
  • added bn:bd declaration

0.0.8 (14/03/2022)

  • MultipleConsonantDiacritics handling change
  • to+hosonto correction
  • invalid hosonto correction

0.0.9 (15/04/2022)

  • base normalizer
  • language class
  • bangla extension
  • complex root normalization

0.0.10 (15/04/2022)

  • added conjucts
  • exception for english words

0.0.11 (15/04/2022)

  • fixed no space char issue for bangla

0.0.12 (26/04/2022)

  • fixed consonants orders

0.0.13 (26/04/2022)

  • fixed non char followed by diacritics

0.0.14 (01/05/2022)

  • word based normalization
  • encoding fix

0.0.15 (02/05/2022)

  • import correction

0.0.16 (02/05/2022)

  • local variable issue

0.0.17 (17/05/2022)

  • nukta mod break

0.0.18 (08/06/2022)

  • no space chars fix

0.0.19 (15/06/2022)

  • no space chars further fix
  • base_bangla_compose to avoid false op flags
  • added foreign conjuncts

0.0.20 (01/08/2022)

  • এ্যা replacement correction

0.0.21 (01/08/2022)

  • "য","ব" + hosonto combination correction
  • added 'ব্ল্য' in conjuncts

0.0.22 (22/08/2022)

  • \u200d combination limiting

0.0.23 (23/08/2022)

  • \u200d condition change

0.0.24 (26/08/2022)

  • \u200d error handling

0.0.25 (10/09/22)

  • removed unnecessary operations: fixRefOrder,fixOrdersForCC
  • added conjuncts: 'র্ন্ত','ঠ্য','ভ্ল'

0.1.0 (20/10/22)

  • added indic parser
  • fixed language class

0.1.1 (21/10/22)

  • added nukta and diacritic maps for indics
  • cleaned conjucts for now
  • fixed issues with no-space and connector

0.1.2 (10/12/22)

  • allow halant ending for indic language except bangla

0.1.3 (10/12/22)

  • broken char break cases for halant

0.1.4 (01/01/23)

  • added sylhetinagri

0.1.5 (01/01/23)

  • cleaned panjabi double quotes in diac map

0.1.6 (15/04/23)

  • added bangla punctuations