Project: databind-json

De-/serialize Python dataclasses to or from JSON payloads. Compatible with Python 3.7 and newer.

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The databind.json package implements the de-/serialization to or from JSON payloads using the databind.core framework.

Check out the Documentation for examples.

Built-in converters

The following tables shows which types can be deserialized from / serialize to Python types with the native converters provided by the databind.json module:

Converter name Types Description
AnyConverter typing.Any Accept any value (useful for arbitrary JSON).
CollectionConverter typing.Collection[T], excl. str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview and typing.Mapping[K, V] Converts between native Python collections and JSON arrays.
DatetimeConverter, datetime.datetime, datetime.time Converts between strings and date/time formats, using ISO 8601 time format by default (can be changed with the databind.core.settings.DateFormat setting).
DecimalConverter decimal.Decimal Converts between strings (and ints/floats if strict mode is off, strict mode is on by default) and decimals. The precision can be controlled with the databind.core.settings.Precision setting.
EnumConverter enum.Enum, enum.IntEnum Convert between strings and Python enumerations. The serialized form of IntEnum is the integer value, whereas the serialized form of Enum is a string (name of the enumeration value).
MappingConverter typing.Mapping[K, V] Converts between Python dicts and JSON objects. (While in theory K can be any type, for JSON K always needs to be str).
OptionalConverter typing.Optional[T] Handles optional fields in a schema.
PlainDatatypeConverter bytes, str, int, float, bool Converts between plain datatypes. In non-strict mode (off by default), numeric types will also accept strings as input for the deserialization.
SchemaConverter dataclasses.dataclass, typing.TypedDict Converts between Python dataclasses or typed dictionary and JSON objects.
UnionConverter typing.Union[...] Handles union types. Unions in JSON can be expressed in a multitide of ways, e.g. using a discriminator key and flat, keyed or nested structure or "best match". Check out the examples section of the documentation for more information.
LiteralConverter typing.Literal[...] Accepts or rejects a value based on whether it matches one of the values in the literal type hint.

The following converters are provided for convenience:

Converter name Types Description
StringifyConverter n/a A helper that allows to easily create de/serializers from a "to string" and "from string" function.

The following additional types are natively supported by databind.json using StringifyConverter:

Types Description
uuid.UUID Convert between strings and UUIDs.
pathlib.Path Convert between strings and paths.
pathlib.PurePath Convert between strings and paths. Deserialize from ISO 8601 duration strings or the object form, serialize to ISO 8601 strings.

Copyright © 2020 – Niklas Rosenstein