Project: multi-model-server

Multi Model Server is a tool for serving neural net models for inference

Project Details

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Project Description

Multi Model Server (MMS) is a flexible and easy to use tool for serving deep learning models exported from MXNet <>__ or the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX <>__).

Use the MMS Server CLI, or the pre-configured Docker images, to start a service that sets up HTTP endpoints to handle model inference requests.

Detailed documentation and examples are provided in the docs folder <>__.


  • java 8: Required. MMS use java to serve HTTP requests. You must install java 8 (or later) and make sure java is on available in $PATH environment variable before installing MMS. If you have multiple java installed, you can use $JAVA_HOME environment vairable to control which java to use.
  • mxnet: mxnet will not be installed by default with MMS 1.0 any more. You have to install it manually if you use MxNet.

For ubuntu: ::

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless

For centos ::

sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk

For Mac: ::

brew tap caskroom/versions
brew update
brew cask install java8

Install MxNet: ::

pip install mxnet

MXNet offers MKL pip packages that will be much faster when running on Intel hardware. To install mkl package for CPU: ::

pip install mxnet-mkl

or for GPU instance:


pip install mxnet-cu92mkl



pip install multi-model-server


We welcome new contributors of all experience levels. For information on how to install MMS for development, refer to the MMS docs <>__.

Important links

  • Official source code repo <>__
  • Download releases <>__
  • Issue tracker <>__

Source code

You can check the latest source code as follows:


git clone


After installation, try out the MMS Quickstart for

  • Serving a Model <>__
  • Create a Model Archive <>__.

Help and Support

  • Documentation <>__
  • Forum <>__


If you use MMS in a publication or project, please cite MMS: