Project: pyramid-mako

Mako template bindings for the Pyramid web framework

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Mako <>_ bindings for Pyramid

These are bindings for the Mako templating system <>_ for the Pyramid <>_ web framework.

Documentation for pyramid_mako <>_.

1.1.0 (2019-08-18)

  • Add support for Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7.

  • Require mako >= 1.1.0.

  • Add a config option for preprocessor_wants_settings. If set to true, the preprocessor will be wrapped in a function that invokes the preprocessor with pyramid's config settings as the second argument.

1.0.2 (2014-04-22)

  • Fix mako.imports so that aslist() does not flatten. See issue #23 (

1.0.1 (2014-04-16)

  • Bump the required version of Mako to 0.8 or newer for issue #22 (add future_imports). If you would like to use an older version of Mako, please pin your dependency to version 0.3.1 of pyramid_mako.

1.0 (2014-04-15)

  • Add new configuration variable for future_imports. See issue #22 (
  • Fix issue #19, whereby pyramid.reload_templates stopped functioning due to changes in pyramid_mako. The lookup is now completed at template render, instead of when the factory returns the renderer. See: (
  • Tuple return values in the form of ('defname', {}) are no longer supported, and will result in a ValueError being raised.
  • Fix an packaging issue whereby *.foo files were not included in the MANIFEST.
  • Caller-relative template lookup is now supported. Any template that fails to be found in the default search paths will be searched relative to the caller package.
  • Allow overriding the pyramid.reload_templates using mako.reload_templates.
  • Change the way that custom user values passed to the renderer are merged with the system provided variables. This allows the user to pass in a variable named 'context' and have it correctly override the system provided context, and THEN get correctly renamed so that Mako doesn't complain about a variable being passed in that isn't allowed due to it being reserved.
  • Drop testing dependency on nose-selecttests.

0.3.1 (2013-10-22)

  • Re-enable lazy loading of the mako renderer, allowing the settings to be configured after pyramid_mako has been included, as long as everything happens in the same commit.

0.3 (2013-10-20)

  • Add a new Configurator directive, config.add_mako_renderer which can be used to add a new mako renderer for a given extension. This directive accepts an optional settings_prefix to load settings and configuration differently per-renderer as well.

  • Removed the private APIs, IMakoLookup, MakoRendererFactoryHelper, and renderer_factory. See the new config.add_mako_renderer API for updating offending code.

  • Remove dependency on pyramid.interfaces.ITemplateRenderer from Pyramid 1.5.

0.2 (2013-09-07)

  • Docs up-to-date
  • Latest changes pulled from Pyramid
  • Latest tests pulled from Pyramid
  • All tests updated to refer to fixtures in pyramid_mako

0.1 (2012-03-12)

  • First release. Extracted from Pyramid core.