Project: translationstring

Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze and Pyramid packages

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A library used by various Pylons Project <>_ packages for internationalization (i18n) duties related to translation.

This package provides a translation string class, a translation string factory class, translation and pluralization primitives, and a utility that helps Chameleon <>_ templates use translation facilities of this package. It does not depend on Babel <>_, but its translation and pluralization services are meant to work best when provided with an instance of the class.

Please see for the documentation.


1.4 (2020-07-09)

  • Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.
  • Update license classifiers

1.3 (2014-11-05)

  • Fix Python 3-specific test failures.

  • Restore compatibility with Python 3.2.

1.2 (2014-11-04)

  • Add support for message contexts.

  • If the object passed to a TranslationStringFactory __call__ method is itself a translation string, use the passed object's domain instead of the domain passed to the factory's contstructor. See .

1.1 (2012-02-08)

  • Add MANIFEST to make sure all files are present in a release. This fixes ticket 8 <>_.

1.0 (2012-02-04)

  • coerce non-string values to a string during translation, except for None.

  • Honour mapping information passed to the translator, combining it with mapping data already part of the translation string.

  • Support formatting of translation strings with %-operator.

0.4 (09-22-2011)

  • Python 3 compatibility (thanks to Joe Dallago, GSOC student).

  • Remove testing dependency on Babel.

  • Moved to GitHub (

  • Added tox.ini for testing purposes.

0.3 (06-25-2010)

  • Preserve default translations even if they are an empty string. This fixes problems with Chameleon being unable to determine if a translation is present or not.

0.2 (04-25-2010)

  • Add __getstate__ and __reduce__ methods to translation string to allow for pickling.

  • Fix bug in ChameleonTranslate. When i18n:translate was used in templates, a translation string was inappropriately created with a default value of the empty string. Symptom: template text would "disappear" rather than being returned untranslated.

0.1 (04-24-2010)

  • Initial release.