Project: python-tools-scripts

Python Tools Scripts

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Python Tools Scripts

This is a tool, similar to invoke. It's more recent and uses argparse under the hood and some additional magic to define the CLI arguments.

To use it, you must have a tools package in your repository root. On your tools/ import your scripts and Python Tools Scripts will add them to it's CLI.

An Example Script tools/

These commands are used to create/destroy VMs, sync the local checkout
to the VM and to run commands on the VM.

from ptscripts import Context, command_group

# Define the command group
vm = command_group(name="vm", help="VM Related Commands", description=__doc__)

        "name": {
            "help": "The VM Name",
            "metavar": "VM_NAME",
            "choices": list(AMIS),
        "key_name": {
            "help": "The SSH key name.",
        "instance_type": {
            "help": "The instance type to use.",
        "region": {
            "help": "The AWS regsion.",
def create(
    ctx: Context,
    name: str,
    key_name: str = None,
    instance_type: str = None,
    region: str = "eu-central-1",
    Create VM.
    vm = VM(ctx=ctx, name=name)
    vm.create(region_name=region, key_name=key_name, instance_type=instance_type)

        "name": {
            "help": "The VM Name",
            "metavar": "VM_NAME",
def destroy(ctx: Context, name: str):
    Destroy VM.
    vm = VM(ctx=ctx, name=name)

The, on your repository root, run:

❯ tools -h
usage: tools [-h] [--debug] {vm} ...

Python Tools Scripts

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --debug, -d  Show debug messages

    vm         VM Related Commands

These tools are discovered under `<repo-root>/tools`.
❯ tools vm -h
usage: tools vm [-h] {create,destroy} ...

These commands are used to create/destroy VMs, sync the local checkout to the VM and to run commands on the VM.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    create              Create VM.
    destroy             Destroy VM.