Pure Python implementation of a VISA library.
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A PyVISA backend that implements a large part of the "Virtual Instrument Software Architecture" (VISA_) in pure Python (with the help of some nice cross platform libraries python packages!).
PyVISA started as wrapper for the IVI-VISA library and therefore you need to install a VISA library in your system (National Instruments, Keysight, etc). This works most of the time, for most people. But IVI-VISA implementations are proprietary libraries that only works on certain systems. That is when PyVISA-py jumps in.
Starting from version 1.6, PyVISA allows to use different backends. These backends can be dynamically loaded. PyVISA-py is one of such backends. It implements most of the methods for Message Based communication (Serial/USB/GPIB/Ethernet) using Python and some well developed, easy to deploy and cross platform libraries
.. _VISA: http://www.ivifoundation.org/Downloads/Specifications.htm
Python has a couple of features that make it very interesting for measurement controlling:
Using pip:
$ pip install pyvisa-py
The documentation can be read online at https://pyvisa-py.readthedocs.org