Project: weberror

Web Error handling and exception catching

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This software is not actively maintained. Simple bugfixes and other patches will be accepted, and released.


WebError provides WSGI middleware for the debugging and handling of errors inside of WSGI applications.


There are two primary WSGI middleware components:


This middleware should be used for production deployed applications and is used to track extra information regarding errors that occur. These error entries can additionally be emailed to a given email address using the error_email option. Example usage::

from weberror.errormiddleware import make_error_middleware app = make_error_middleware(app, global_conf)


This middleware is used to help debug errors in wsgi applications during development and should not be used in production. Example usage::

from weberror.evalexception import make_eval_exception app = make_eval_exception(app, global_conf)

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WebError Changelog

0.13.1 (09/04/2016)

  • Fixed an +1 issues with the fix in pull request #14 breaking the previous version. This was fixed in

0.13 (15/03/2016)

  • Fixed an issue with the debug view detection that was causing failures when WebError was used with pyramid_debugtoolbar. See:

0.12 (08/02/2016)

  • Fixed an CSRF verification error when the token was of type unicode. See:

0.11 (07/21/2015)

  • Remove XSS issues by requiring a CSRF token for relay commands. Patch by Jordan Milne.

0.10.3 (11/9/2010)

  • Don't require simplejson on Python 2.6

0.10.2 (2/12/2010)

  • Fix bug when displaying UTF-8 type errors.
  • Fix bug when emailing data with UTF-8.

0.10.1 (12/29/2008)

  • Fix view source when file is .pyo or $py.class.

0.10 (12/18/2008)

  • Fix indentation of code lines in the traceback view.
  • Enable syntax highlighting in view source.
  • Fix a case where the response could become unicode; fix the docstring patching when using python -O

0.9.1 (10/28/2008)

  • Python 2.6 compatibility
  • Making main page links more accessible to browsers with no JS on per Pylons Trac ticket #489.

0.9 (07/08/2008)

  • Switched to using Pygments for highlighting.
  • Added better handling of exceptions that don't cleanly convert to str().
  • Added dependency library listings for XML output.

0.8 (06/12/2008)

  • Added fairly basic pdbcapture system.
  • Fixed errors in unicode handling and exception displaying.
  • Updated JS to use jQuery where applicable. Updated jQuery lib and added jQuery hotkeys plugin.
  • Refactored to a flatter layout.

0.8a (02/27/2008)

  • Fixed error in email due to restructuring of project.
  • Added xml formattor output.
  • Added try/except in case an objects repr throws an exception.