Project: ortools

Google OR-Tools python libraries and modules

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This project hosts operations research tools developed at Google and made available as open source under the Apache 2.0 License.

OR-Tools includes solvers for:

  • Constraint Programming
    • CP-SAT solver: A constraint programming solver that uses SAT (satisfiability) methods.
    • Original CP solver: A constraint programming solver.
  • Linear and Mixed-Integer Programming
    • Glop: A linear optimizer to find the optimal value of a linear objective function, given a set of linear inequalities as constraints.
    • MPSolver, ModelBuilder: Wrappers around commercial and other open source solvers, including mixed integer solvers: CBC, CLP, GLPK, Gurobi or SCIP.
  • Vehicle Routing A specialized library for identifying best vehicle routes given constraints.
  • Graph Algorithms Code for finding shortest paths in graphs, min-cost flows, max flows, and linear sum assignments.